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Kris Anka ci mostra gli studi dei personaggi per il film Spider-Man Across the Spiderverse

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Sul profilo Twitter di Kris Anka, character e costume Designer che ha lavorato sul film Spider-man Across the Spider-Verse, possiamo ammirare gli studi preparatori e i render 3d dei personaggi. Il primo studio che vediamo è quello relativo alla realizzazione di Miguel O’ Hara alias Spider-Man 2099.

Kris scrive: “Got to a body everyone liked, did some acting and action explorations, but now the design was sent off to the great Omar Smith to be modeled, where some of the proportions were adjusted. Omar did such an incredible job translating the design”.

Nei giorni successivi è stato pubblicato anche lo studio relativo a Spider Gwen.

K: “We knew we didn’t really want to change the formula for her, we wanted a costume that felt different, but the same.
One of my goals was to see if I could get an actual spider logo on her”.

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